2024 Playlist. A mix for the year that was...

Weird year. Tough on all fronts, this playlist came out a little more introspective - but still with a few bangers!

Songs that were encountered, discovered or rediscovered in 2024. These playlists are designed to be played in order, with the cross fade set to 12s. 

Some highlights:

- Deep House (Nora en Pure, the opening track to Ben Bohmer's Johannesburg Open Air set - GOL by Martin Kohlstedt in original and Ben Bohmer remix format, Jody Wisternoff and more)

- Deep into Country (Geronimo, Tyler Childers, The Panhandlers, The Brother's Comatose and more)

- Some Teddy Swims!

- and a good funky acoustic folk section, including the theme to Welcome to Wrexham

- and Just Jinger's 25th Anniversary version of Shallow Waters. 

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