South African Mobile Industry Stats 2011

Fascinating South African Mobile Stats report just out from Nielson SA. The report itself comes at quite a hefty price, but they've released an infographic summary that has some really interesting data points on it. I always find, when doing consulting or talks, that there are some BIG preconceived notions about what's actually happening in our mobile industry. Adoption is almost always underestimated.

My favourite question is to ask an audience how many Please Call Me's they think get sent every month in this country. Most guesses range between 100 million and 300 million. I've done a rough back-of-the-cigarette-box calculation, which puts it at about 1 BILLION. And while I'll never get the cellphone companies to confirm, they do nod softly!

So, if you got that stat wrong, you owe it to yourself to peruse this infographic. Stick it up on the wall at work. Let it tell the story of mobile adoption in this country.

Chat to Nielson about the report on @Nielson_SA.

You may have to click on this image to enlarge. Pesky infographics tend to be quite long!


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