SABC's Survivor nightmare and the soon-to-be power of Twitter...

So, if you haven't heard. SABC properly messed up the broadcast of Survivor - getting vital elements of the show in the wrong order.

Click on the image to enlarge

Yes, Twitter is most likely pale, male, geeks. Yes, Twitter is small. But consider this...

* FaceBook has almost 2 million South Africans registered (that we know of). And they've got to that number in no time at all.

* The Internet just never forgets.

However small and insignificant Twitter may be - the flaming insults and damage done can NOT be good for any brand...


  1. Yeah, I watched this unfold on Twitter last night as I missed the show. Powerful communication medium, and even if it pale male etc, its growing. fast.

    With a great memory, like you said. The internet is just one big ol' elephant. And brands better watch out.

    But between you and me, I don't think the SABC really cares anyway. Pity.


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