Online Ad Formats to avoid...

I've been doing a lot of investigation into Google Adwords lately. FNB has made some strong moves in this space. But it's not just search I'm interested in. Google has successfully disintermediated and bought out a pretty sizeable portion of the online ad industry. Especially with its acquisition of DoubleClick. You can apply almost every form of advertising through AdWords now. From banner to gadget, from text to skyscraper.

So, with this veritable honeypot of advertising available. You'd better do your research. Here are 10 online ad formats to avoid. Don't be a sucker for the money. Users come first. Always.

Taken from the Silicon Alley Insider.


  1. Its interesting though, that the businessinsider site uses the 'banner next to logo' even though it suggests that people hate that type of ad?

  2. It's that age old debate between user irritation and making enough money to keep the site alive... There has to be a balance at the end of the day

  3. the businessinsider site uses the 'banner next to logo' even though it suggests that people hate that type of ad


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