Bishops launches a mobizine.
Glad to see the larney private schools from our pasts are keeping up with the technology trends. Bishops in particular has an extremely well produced and well read OD magazine / School magazine that comes out quarterly.
NOW you can keep in touch with the exploits of the U14's - on your mobile. Nice.
The serious side of this would be the networking capabilities. Perhaps the most read portion of the quarterly print magazine is the "what are the OD's up to section". It's kind of like corporate FaceBook in print. And, if you can put up with the teasing - it's possibly one of the best networks to keep going... I wonder how that might translate onto the mobile platform...
NOW you can keep in touch with the exploits of the U14's - on your mobile. Nice.
Bishops has just launched the Bishops Mobizine. Get latest news, sports fixtures and results and an up to date weekly calendar delivered bi-weekly to your cell phone for fewer then 6 cents per edition!!!
For more details visit the mobizine website at
To view the mobizine on your cell phone you will first need to set up the Bishops Mobizine on your cell phone. To do this sms MOBI BISHOPS to 36978. There is an initial, once off cost of R5 for this.
Most modern cell phones are able to get Mobizines and the Mobilzine website has a list of compatible phones. As a general rule if your cell phone has Java (games usually mean Java is installed) or is a Nokia smart phone (which means it uses the Symbian smart phone platform), then you should be able to get Mobizines.
The serious side of this would be the networking capabilities. Perhaps the most read portion of the quarterly print magazine is the "what are the OD's up to section". It's kind of like corporate FaceBook in print. And, if you can put up with the teasing - it's possibly one of the best networks to keep going... I wonder how that might translate onto the mobile platform...
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