ZA Tech Show Episode 182 - Heatwaves & Thongs

For the first time on air together, with drinks and not babysat by Brett Haggard or Simon Dingle - the Sam/Andy/Nic combo unleashes the fury.

Samantha Beckbessinger is your host this week, joined in studio by Andy Hadfield and Nic Callegari to discuss;
  • Motorola RAZR, the Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich.
  • A new study reaffirming that your phone will not give you cancer.
  • TVs and second screens.
  • Roy Padayachie, former Minister of Communications, being reassigned.
  • Korea Telecom looking to buy a stake in Telkom.
  • Shooter season 2011 in gaming: Battlefield 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and other new titles.
  • Rumours around Google Reader, Buzz, and a potential Yahoo! buy?
  • MC Hammer’s new search engine, WireDoo.
Our technology picks this week:

Andy Hadfield: Tech4Africa’s Ignite Innovation Awards, GetGlue and Take This Lollipop.
Nic Callegari: and the new DC Comics app for iPad.
Sam Beckbessinger: A video of a 1 year old using an iPad.

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