A Mac User is Born

Converting the world, one Windows user at a time...

- Anonymous

Took the plunge today and finally got onboard the Mac bandwagon. Fine time too. Vista went into the bluescreen loop I spoke about before. Then crashed on me agin today. I'm over it.

First impressions:

* Packaging. Oh my. These guys really know how to get you excited before you've even opened the box. I have never experienced packaging like that. In fact, I'm writing a paragraph on packaging? That's gotta mean something.

* It just works. They weren't lying. Open the laptop, quick boot. It. Just. Works.

* Level of coolness. That's why they invented the term "fanboy". There is a level of "coolness" about the Mac machine and the interface that can't be explained until you've played with one. Suddenly I feel the need to be parked at a coffee shop writing the great South African novel.

Hmm. I, Andy Hadfield, do hereby promise to report faithfully on my Mac experience, detailing the problems, and attempting not to be regarded as a complete fanboy.

Hi, I'm a Mac.


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