My #RAK15 video for Joburg Child Welfare

#RAK15 - Random Acts of Kindness 2015. A really cool social upliftment campaign started by Brent Lindeque off the back of tweaking #NekNominations last year into a force for good instead of a force for down-downs.

The 2015 campaign seems to have quite a bit of traction already, starting on our shores with a launch on Carte Blanche and swiftly hitting the US, UK and other markets.

The idea is simple. Make a video of your random act of kindness and nominate 3 people to do the same. Post video. Share share share.

We had an interesting debate on the ZA Tech show about the egotistical element of the campaign. Some may think the "look at me look at me as I do good" behaviour isn't the greatest. But I have to say, both myself and Brett Haggard (host) ended up agreeing that the goodwill and behaviour change the campaign encourages far outweighs any vanity elements. The vanity causes the sharing (seeding it into social platforms) unfortunately, so like the selfie stick, we'll have to put up with it.

Anyhoo! When Brent and I met for the first time a while back we chatted about how forgood could be used for people to connect with Causes and create some cool RAKs. So that's what I did. This is 25% "How To" video and 75% just awesome RAK for an awesome Cause.



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